성화속의 세례자 성 요한의 수난 St. JOHN the Baptist St. Joannes Baptista 신분: 세례자, 예언자 / 활동연도: +29년경 같은이름: 밥띠스따, 밥티스타, 밥티스트, 얀, 요안네스, 요한네스, 이반, 장, 쟝, 조반니, 조안네스, 조한네스, 존, 죤, 지오반니, 한스, 후안 축일 8월 29일
PRETI, Mattia / St John the Baptist before Herod c. 1665 / Oil on canvas, 90 x 190 cm Private collection
STANZIONE, Massimo / Beheading of St John the Baptist c. 1634 / Oil on canvas, 184 x 258 cm Museo del Prado, Madrid
TIEPOLO, Giovanni Battista / The Beheading of John the Baptist 1732-33 / Fresco, 350 x 300 cm Cappella Colleoni, Bergamo
TROYEN, Rombout van / Beheading of John the Baptist before 1650 / Oil on panel, 36 x 58 cm The Hermitage, St. Petersburg
SOLARIO, Andrea / Salome with the Head of St John the Baptist Oil on wood, 59 x 58 cm Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
SOLARIO, Andrea / Salome with the Head of St John the Baptist 1506-07 / Oil on panel, 57 x 47 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
PRETI, Mattia / Salome with the Head of St John the Baptist Oil on canvas / Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota
RENI, Guido / Salome with the Head of Saint John the Baptist 1639-1640 / Oil on canvas Art Institute, Chicago
CARAVAGGIO / Beheading of Saint John the Baptist 1608 / Oil on canvas, 361 x 520 cm Saint John Museum, La Valletta
CARAVAGGIO / Salome with the Head of St John the Baptist c. 1607 / Oil on canvas, 90,5 x 167 cm National Gallery, London
CRANACH, Lucas the Elder / Beheading of John the Baptist 1515 / Oil and tempera on limewood, 85 x 58 cm Archbishop's Palace, Kromiøi?
CRANACH, Lucas the Elder / Beheading of John the Baptist c. 1509 / Woodcut Staatliche Museen, Berlin
CRANACH, Lucas the Elder / Beheading of John the Baptist c. 1513 / Woodcut Staatliche Museen, Berlin
CRANACH, Lucas the Elder / Salome with the Head of John the Baptist 1509-10 / Oil and tempera on oak, 61 x 50 cm Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga, Lisbon
CRANACH, Lucas the Elder / Salome with the Head of St John the Baptist Panel / Bob Jones University Collection, Greenville
DANTI, Vincenzo / Beheading of St John the Baptist 1569-71 / Bronze, height 243 cm Baptistry, Florence
DOLCI, Carlo / Salome with the Head of St John the Baptist 1665-70 / Oil on canvas, 122,6 x 96,5 cm Royal Collection, Windsor
FABRITIUS, Carel / The Beheading of St. John the Baptist c. 1640 / Oil on canvas, 149 x 121 cm Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
LIPPI, Fra Filippo / The Beheading of John the Baptist 1452-65 / Fresco Duomo, Prato
LUINI, Bernardino / Salome Receiving the Head of St John the Baptist Oil on canvas, 62 x 55 cm Musee du Louvre, Paris
LUINI, Bernardino / Salome with the Head of John the Baptist Oil on wood, 56 x 43 cm Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
LUINI, Bernardino / Salome with the Head of St John the Baptist Oil on panel, 62 x 51 cm Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
PUVIS DE CHAVANNES, Pierre-Cecile / The Beheading of St John the Baptist c. 1869 / Oil on canvas, 240 x 316 cm National Gallery, London
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