렘브란트의 성화(聖畵) 모음 Rembrandt van Rijn ( 1606-1669 ) Dutch Baroque Era Painter and Engraver
레오나르도 다 빈치와 함께 17세기 유럽 회화사에서 최대의 화가로 , 루벤스와 함께 바로크 시대를 대표하는 화가로 평가받는 렘브란트는 그의 그림에서 깊은 빛과 그늘을 창조해내고 있다.
그의 작품에서는 색이나 모양이 바로 빛 그 자체다. 또한 빛에 의한 부드럽고 자연스러운 명암이야말로 그림에 생명을 부여하는 원동력이자, 그를 대표하는 독특한 화법인 것이다.
그의 그림들을 보면 빛의 흐름을 중심으로 통일하여 더 밝게 표현하고 있다. 특히 그의 종교그림에는 이처럼 독특한 수법이 쓰여졌음을 엿볼 수 있는데, 이는 매우 장엄한 효과를 내고 있다. 인물이나 대상에 대해서는 사실적이나. 빛의 효과에 대해서는 최대한 이상적으로, 더불어 색채나 명암의 대조를 강조함으로써 회화적 효과를 최대한 살리고 있는 점이 렘브란트 성화의 특징이며 그를 "혼의 화가"나 "명암의 화가"라고도 일컫는 이유이다.
그의 그림에서 느낄 수 있는 강렬한 힘과 그의 인간 내면을 꿰뚫어 볼 줄 아는 통찰력, 그리고 관람객으로 하여금 종교적 권능을 감지하게 하는 탁월한 빛의 처리 기법은, 서양회화를 이전 회화들보다 한 차원 높은, 더욱 고양된 정신적 호소력을 지닌 예술이 되게 했다
Abraham and the Angels 1630 State Hermitage Museum
Sacrifice of Isaac 1635 Oil on canvas, 193x132 cm, State Hermitage Museum
The Sacrifice of Isaac 1636 Oil on Canvas, 195 x 132,3 cm, Alte Pinakothek, Munich
Tobit and Anna with a Kid 1626 Oil on panel 39,5 x 30 cm, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Return of the Prodigal Son 1668 Oil on canvas, 262x205 cm, State Hermitage Museum
Archangel Leaving the Family of Tobias 1637 Oil on wood 52 x 66 cm, Musee du Louvre ,Paris
Jacob Wrestling with the Angel ca. 1659 Oil on canvas 137 x 116 cm Gemäldegalerie der Staatlichen Museen, Berlin
Jeremiah Lamenting the Destruction of Jerusalem 1630 Oil on panel 58 x 46 cm, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
The Visitation 1640 Oil on cedar panel 56.5 x 47.9 cm, Detroit Institute of Arts, Michigan
Adoration of the Magi 1632 Oil on paper pasted on canvas, 45x39 cm State Hermitage Museum
Circumcision 1669 Oil on canvas, 98 x 79 cm, Nationalmuseum, Stockholm
Hymn of Simeon, 1631 oil on paneel 60,9 x 47,9 cm Mauritshuis Royal Picture Gallery, The Hague
The Dream of St Joseph 1650-1655 Oil on canvas 83 x 105 cm, Museum of Fine Arts , Budapest
The Holy Family Ca. 1633-34 Oil on Canvas, 183,5 x 123 cm, Alte Pinakothek, Munich
Holy Family 1640 Oil on wood 34 x 41 cm, Musee du Louvre ,Paris
Holy Family 1645 Oil on canvas, 117x91 cm, State Hermitage Museum
The Holy Family with a Curtain 1646 Oil on wood 69 x 46.5 cm, Staatliche Museen,Kassel
Head of Christ Oil on canvas 42.5 x 34.3 cm, Metropolitan Museum of Art , Newyork
Head of Christ c.1648-56 Oil on panel 33.7 x 28.9 cm, Philadelphia Museum of Art
Young Jew as Christ c. 1656 Oil on wood, 25 x 21,5 cm, Staatliche Museen, Berlin
Christ In The Storm on The Sea Of Galilee 1633 Oil on canvas 127 x 160 cm, Private collection
Christ with Woman Taken in Adultery, National Gallery, London
The Raising of Lazarus 1630 Oil on panel 96.36 x 81.28 cm, Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Christ Driving The Money Changers From The Temple 1626 Oil on Panel 32 x 43.1 cm, Private collection
Christ and the Woman of Samaria 1655 Oil on wood 63.5 x 48.9 cm, Metropolitan Museum of Art , New York
Christ and the Woman of Samaria 1659 Oil on oak, 48 x 41 cm, Staatliche Museen, Berlin
Christ and the Woman of Samaria 1659 Oil on canvas, 60x75 cm, State Hermitage Museum
Repentant Judas Returning The Pieces Of Silver 1629 Oil Panel 102.3 x 79 cm, Private collection
Ecce Homo 1634 Oil on paper 54.5 x 44.5 cm, National Gallery, London
Peter Denouncing Christ 1660 Oil on canvas 169 x 154 cm, Rijksmuseum ,Amsterdam
Crucifixion 1633 Oil on canvas, 95.7 x 72.2 cm, Alte Pinakotek , Munich
Deposition from the Cross 1634 Oil on panel, 89.5 x 65 cm, Alte Pinakothek , Munich
Descent from the Cross 1634 Oil on canvas, 158x117 cm, State Hermitage Museum
Deposition of Christ
Christ and St Mary Magdalene at the Tomb 1638 Oil on panel 61.0 x 49.5 cm, The Royal Collection, London
Supper at Emmaus 1648 Oil on canvas 60 x 42 cm, Musee du Louvre ,Paris
Supper at Emmaus 1628 oil on paper on panel 39 × 42 cm, Musee Jacquemart-Andre, Paris
The Incredulity of St. Thomas 1634 Oil on wood 51 x 53 cm, Pushkin Museum , Moscow
The Ascension Of Christ 1636 Oil on canvas 68.3 x 92.7 cm, Private collection
St. Paul at his Writing Desk 1629-1630 Oil on wood 39 x 47 cm, Germanisches Nationalmuseum ,Nuremberg
Apostle Paul in Prison 1627 Public Collection
Apostle Paul 1635 Oil on canvas, 135 x 111 cm, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
Two Old Men Disputing (Also Known As St Paul & St Peter) c1628 Oil on Panel 59.5 x 72.3 cm, Private collection
Saint Bartholomew ca. 1657 Oil on canvas 123x100cm, Timken Museum of Art, San Diego
St. Bartholomew 1661 Oil on canvas 87x76cm, J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles
Saint James the Greater 1661 oil on canvas92.1 x 74.9 cm , Private Collection
Evangelist Matthew 1661 Oil on canvas 81 x 96 cm, Musee du Louvre , Paris
바흐 / 소나타 B단조 BWV 1014 III. Andante
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