안토니 반다이크 (Anthony Van Dyck) ①
(네덜란드어: Anthony van Dyck 안토니 판 딕)
<1599년 5월 22일 ~ 1641년 12월 9일>
영국 찰스 1세의 궁정화가
출생지: 벨기에
안토니 반 다이크는 플랑드르의 화가이다. 특히, '플랑드르 그림'의 대표적 초상화가로 유명하다. 루벤스에게 배우고 그의 조수로도 있었다. 이탈리아에 유학하여 티치아노 · 베로네세 등 베네치아 대가의 감화를 받았으며, 영국의 회화 특히 초상화에 영향을 끼쳤다. 부드러운 구도와 선미한 색채로써 종교, 신화, 우의적인 제재도 취급하였으나 초상화가로서 가장 뛰어난 재능을 보였다.
영국 화단에 결정적인 영향을 끼쳤으며, 17세기 유럽 미술을 대표하는 화가의 한 사람이다. 1632년부터 찰스 1세의 궁정 화가로서 죽을 때까지 200점이 넘는 초상화를 남겼다. 대표작으로〈십자가 강하〉,〈찰스 1세의 초상〉등이 있다. |
Abraham and Isaac
c. 1617 / Oil on canvas, 119 x 178 cm
Narodni Galerie, Prague
An Apostle with Folded Hands
1618-20 / Paper on oak panel, 57 x 45 cm
Staatliche Museen, Berlin
An Aristocratic Genoese
1622-26 / Oil on canvas, 200 x 116 cm
Staatliche Museen, Berlin
Charles I of England and Henrietta of France
before 1632 / Oil on canvas, 67 x 83 cm
Galleria Palatina (Palazzo Pitti), Florence
Charles I, King of England at the Hunt
c. 1635 / Oil on canvas, 266 x 207 cm
Musee du Louvre, Paris
Christ on the Cross
Oil on canvas
Sint-Jacobskerk, Antwerp
Crowning with Thorns
1618-20 / Oil on canvas, 223 x 196 cm
Museo del Prado, Madrid
1634 / Oil on panel
Alte Pinakothek, Munich
Emperor Theodosius Forbidden by St Ambrose To Enter Milan Cathedral
1619-20 / Oil on canvas, 149 x 113 cm
National Gallery, London
Entry of Christ into Jerusalem
c. 1617 / Oil on canvas, 151 x 229 cm
Museum of Art, Indianapolis
Family Portrait
1621 / Oil on canvas, 114 x 94 cm
The Hermitage, St. Petersburg
1630 / Oil on canvas
Sint-Michielskerk, Ghent
Jupiter and Antiope
Oil on canvas, 150 x 206 cm
Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Ghent
Philippe Le Roy
1630 / Oil on canvas, 213 x 114 cm
Wallace Collection, London
Portrait of a Man in Armour with Red Scarf
1625-27 / Oil on canvas, 90 x 70 cm
Gemaldegalerie, Dresden
Portrait of a Member of the Balbi Family
c. 1625 / Oil on canvas, 132,7 x 120 cm
Art Museum, Cincinnati
Portrait of a Genoese Nobleman
1624 / Oil on canvas, 131 x 101 cm
Liechtenstein Museum, Vienna |
Portrait of a Man
c. 1618 / Oil on canvas, 105 x 81 cm
Liechtenstein Museum, Vienna |
Portrait of a Noble Genoese Lady
1621-27 / Oil on canvas, 239 x 170 cm
Musee du Louvre, Paris |
Equestrian Portrait of Charles I, King of England
1635-40 / Oil on canvas, 123 x 85 cm
Museo del Prado, Madrid |
Portrait of a Lady
1634-35 / Oil on canvas, 140 x 107 cm
Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan |
Cornelis van der Geest
before 1620 / Oil on wood, 37,5 x 32,5 cm
National Gallery, London |
Porrtrait of the Sculptor Duquesnoy (?)
1627-29 / Oil on canvas, 77,5 x 61 cm
Musees Royaux des Beaux-Arts, Brussels |
Charles I on Horseback
c. 1635 / Oil on canvas, 365 x 289 cm
National Gallery, London |
An Apostle
c. 1618 / Oil on oak, 61 x 49 cm
Staatliche Museen, Berlin |
1618-20 / Oil on canvas, 265 x 221 cm
Staatliche Museen, Berlin |
Marie de Raet
1631 / Oil on canvas, 213 x 115 cm
Wallace Collection, London |
Marchesa Elena Grimaldi
c. 1623 / Oil on canvas
National Gallery of Art, Washington |
Blessed Joseph Hermann
1629 / Oil on canvas, 160 x 128 cm
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna |
Diana Cecil, Countess of Oxford
1638 / Oil on canvas, 107 x 86 cm
Museo del Prado, Madrid |
Lord John and Lord Bernard Stuart
c. 1638 / Oil on canvas, 238 x 146 cm
National Gallery, London |
Margaret of Lorraine, Duchess of Orleans
c. 1634 / Oil on canvas, 204 x 117 cm
Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence |
c. 1622 / Oil on canvas
San Zaccaria, Venice |
Isabella Brandt
c. 1621 / Oil on canvas
National Gallery of Art, Washington |
Cupid and Psyche
1639-40 / Oil on canvas, 199,4 x 191,8 cm
Royal Collection, Windsor |
George Gage with Two Men
1622-23 / Oil on canvas, 115 x 114 cm
National Gallery, London | |