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레오나르도 다 빈치(Leonardo da Vinci) Ⅱ

by 파스칼바이런 2013. 4. 3.

레오나르도 다 빈치(Leonardo da Vinci) Ⅱ

(1452년 4월 15일 ~ 1519년 5월 2일)




레오나르도 다 빈치는 이탈리아 르네상스를 대표하는 근대적 인간의 전형이다. 그는 화가이자 조각가, 발명가, 건축가, 기술자, 해부학자, 식물학자, 도시 계획가, 천문학자, 지리학자, 음악가였다. 그는 호기심이 많고 창조적인 인간이었으며, 어려서부터 인상 깊은 사물, 관찰한 것, 착상 등을 즉시 스케치하였다.


Mona Lisa (La Gioconda)

c. 1503-5 / Oil on panel, 77 x 53 cm

Musée du Louvre, Paris


La belle Ferronière

c. 1490 / Oil on panel, 63 x 45 cm

Musée du Louvre, Paris


Last Supper (copy)

16th century / Oil on canvas, 418 x 794 cm

Da Vinci Museum, Tongerlo



1508-15 / Oil on panel, 130 x 77,5 cm

Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence



c. 1530 / Oil on wood

Staatliche Museen, Kassel


Madonna and Child with St Anne and the Young St John

1507-08 / Charcoal with white chalk heightening on paper, 141,5 x 106 cm

National Gallery, London


Madonna Litta

c. 1490-91 / Tempera on canvas, transferred from panel, 42 x 33 cm

The Hermitage, St. Petersburg


Madonna with a Flower (Madonna Benois)

c. 1478 / Oil on canvas transferred from wood, 50 x 32 cm

The Hermitage, St. Petersburg


Head of Christ

Pencil, black chalk, paste, and watercolour, 562 x 434 mm

Musées de Strasbourg, Strasbourg


Head of St Andrew

Pencil, black chalk, paste, and watercolour, 562 x 432 mm

Musées de Strasbourg, Strasbourg


Head of St James the Less

Pencil, black chalk, paste, and watercolour, 565 x 433 mm

Musées de Strasbourg, Strasbourg


Head of St Peter

Pencil, black chalk, paste, and watercolour, 562 x 435 mm

Musées de Strasbourg, Strasbourg


Heads of Judas and Peter

Black, brown and red chalk, retouched in charcoal, 666 x 508 mm

Ackland Art Museum, Chapel Hill


Heads of Sts Thomas and James the Greater

Black, brown and red chalk, retouched in charcoal, 623 x 453 mm

Ackland Art Museum, Chapel Hill


Drawing of a Woman's Torso

Drawing / Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan



Drawing of the Torso and the Arms

Drawing / Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan


Equestrian Statue

1516-19 / Bronze, 24,3 cm

Szépmûvészeti Múzeum, Budapest


Giant Crossbow

1480-82 / Drawing

Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan


Cannon foundry

1487 / Pen and ink on paper

Royal Library, Windsor


Cavern with ducks

1482-85 / Pen and ink on paper, 220 x 158 mm

Royal Library, Windsor


Ceiling decoration

1496-98 / Fresco and tempera

Sala delle Asse, Castello Sforzesco, Milan


Adoration of the Magi

1481-82 / Oil on panel, 246 x 243 cm

Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence


Anatomical studies (larynx and leg)

1510 / Drawing

Royal Library, Windsor


Anatomical studies of a male shoulder

1509-10 / Pen and ink on paper, 292 x 198 mm

Royal Library, Windsor


Assault chariot with scythes

c. 1485 / Silverpoint, pen and ink on paper, 210 x 292 mm

Biblioteca Reale, Turin



1478-80 / Metalpoint, pen and brush on paper, 27 x 20 cm

Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan


Battle of Anghiari (Tavola Doria)

1503-05 / Oil on panel, 85 x 115 cm

Formerly private collection, Munich (lost)


Bust of Flora

1510s / Wax, height 67,5 cm

Staatliche Museen, Berlin


Vitruvian Man

1492 / Pen, ink, watercolour and metalpoint on paper, 343 x 245 mm

Gallerie dell'Accademia, Venice