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루카스 크라나흐(Lucas Cranach) ②

by 파스칼바이런 2013. 3. 26.

루카스 크라나흐(Lucas Cranach) ②


독일의 화가




프랑켄 지방의 크로나흐에서 태어났다. 초기의 크라나흐는 알브레히트 알트도르퍼와 볼프 후버 등과 이른바 도나우파(派)의 일각을 형성하고, 독일의 산림 풍경을 신선하고 서정적으로 그렸으며, 또 동시에 마티아스 그뤼네발트를 생각케 하는 표현주의적 색채가 농후하고 극적인 박력이 넘치는 작품을 남기고 있다.(전자의 예로서 베를린의 다렘 미술관 소장인 <이집트 도피 徐中의 휴식>, 후자의 예는 뮌헨의 알테 피나코테크 소장의 <십자가의 그리스도>를 들 수 있다)


1505년 비텐베르크에 이사한 그는 커다란 아틀리에를 차리고, 우미한 여성의 나체상과 신화화(神話畵)를 많이 그렸으며, 루터나 기타 저명인사의 초상화에도 걸작이 많다. 1537~1544년에 걸쳐 그곳 시장(市長)을 지냈던 그는 사회적으로 존경을 받았으며, 또한 루터의 종교개혁을 열렬하게 지지하기도 하였고, 만년에 가서는 바이마르의 궁정화가로 지내다가 1553년 거기에서 운명하였다. 또 이름이 같은 그의 아들(1515~1586)도 화가로서 부친의 조수·후계자가 되어 활약하였다.



Adam and Eve

1508-10 / Oil and tempera on red beechwood, 139 x 54 cm (each)

Musee des Beaux-Arts et d'Archeologie, Besancon


Adam and Eve

1528 / Oil on wood, 172 x 63 cm and 167 x 61 cm

Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence


Adam and Eve

1533 / Oil and tempera on red beechwood, 51 x 35 cm

Staatliche Museen, Berlin


Adam and Eve


Musees Royaux des Beaux-Arts, Brussels


Allegory of Melancholy

1532 / Oil and tempera on wood, 77 x 56 cm

Musee d'Unterlinden, Colmar


Apollo and Diana

c. 1526 / Oil and tempera on beechwood, 85 x 57 cm

Royal Collection, London


Apostles Peter and Paul

c. 1515 / Oil and tempera on limewood, 27 x 18 cm (each)

Private collection


Beheading of John the Baptist

1515 / Oil and tempera on limewood, 85 x 58 cm

Archbishop's Palace, Kromiøi?


Beheading of John the Baptist (detail)

1515 / Oil and tempera on limewood

Archbishop's Palace, Kromiøi?


Beheading of St Catherine

1515 / Oil and tempera on limewood, 85 x 58 cm

Archbishop's Palace, Kromiøi?


Cardinal Albrecht of Brandenburg as St Jerome in a Landscape

1527 / Wood

Staatliche Museen, Berlin


Cardinal Albrecht of Brandenburg as St Jerome in His Study

1525 / Oil and tempera on limewood, 117 x 78 cm

Hessisches Landesmuseum, Darmstadt


Cardinal Albrecht of Brandenburg as St Jerome in His Study

1526 / Oil and tempera on wood, 115 x 79 cm

Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota


Christ and the Virgin Mary (or Mary Magdalen)

1515-20 / Oil and tempera on parchment laid down on oak, 34 x 53 cm

Schlossmuseum, Gotha


Christ at the Column, Adored by Saints

1515 / Oil and tempera on limewood, 60 x 52 cm

Gemaldegalerie, Dresden


Donor Portraits of Frederick the Wise and John the Steadfast

c. 1515 / Oil and tempera on pinewood, 64 x 49 cm (each)

Kunstsammlungen der Veste Coburg, Coburg



1510-15 / Oil and tempera on limewood, 42 x 28 cm

Stadelsches Kunstinstitut, Frankfurt



1503 / Pine panel, 138 x 99 cm

Alte Pinakothek, Munich


Generalised Portrait of a Woman

c. 1525 / Oil and tempera on red beechwood, 38 x 27 cm

National Gallery, London


Housealtar of Count William II of Hessen

c. 1508 / Panel, 38 x 25 cm (central), 39 x 10 cm (each wing)

Staatliche Museen, Kassel


Judith Dining with Holofernes

1531 / Oil and tempera on limewood, 99 x 73 cm

Schlossmuseum, Gotha



Ill-Matched Couple: Young Widow and Old Man

1525-30 / Oil and tempera on wood, 79 x 58 cm

Musee des Beaux-Arts et d'Archeologie, Besancon

Adam and Eve


Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Antwerp

Caritas (Charity)

1534 / Oil and tempera on wood

Museum zu Allerheiligen, Schaffhausen


Oil on panel, 50 x 34 cm

Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Antwerp

David and Bathsheba

1526 / Oil and tempera on res beechwood, 36 x 24 cm

Staatliche Museen, Berlin


Adam and Eve

c. 1538 / Panel

Narodni Galerie, Prague

A Prince of Saxony

1517 / Oil and tempera on limewood, 44 x 34 cm

National Gallery of Art, Washington

A Princess of Saxony

1517 / Oil and tempera on limewood, 43 x 34 cm

National Gallery of Art, Washington

Cupid Complaining to Venus

1526-27 / Oil on wood, 81 x 55 cm

National Gallery, London

Apollo and Diana

c. 1530 / Oil and tempera on wood, 45 x 31 cm

Musees Royaux des Beaux-Arts, Brussels

Beheading of John the Baptist

c. 1509 / Woodcut

Staatliche Museen, Berlin

Beheading of John the Baptist

c. 1513 / Woodcut

Staatliche Museen, Berlin

Altar wing (left, inner side)

c. 1537 / Wood

Cathedral, Naumburg

Altar wing (right, inner side)

c. 1537 / Wood

Cathedral, Naumburg

A Faun and his Family with a Slain Lion

c. 1526 / Oil and tempera on wood, 83 x 56 cm

J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles

Adam and Eve

1531 / Lime wood, 170 x 70 cm

Gemaldegalerie, Dresden

Allegory of Melancholy

1528 / Oil and tempera on wood, 113 x 72 cm

National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh

Adam and Eve

1509 / Woodcut, 387 x 232 mm

National Gallery of Art, Washington